Training in

Universal Trust and Protection

Self Healing Technique by Roberto Antela Martinez

Empower yourself.

Learn to

reconnect with universal trust

and to create energetic protection.


Universal trust

Learn how to move past fear and anxiety and reconnect with your true self. The technique for universal or basic trust as developed by Roberto Antela Martinez will empower you to come back into balance.

A strong universal trust is the basis for a person to be able to trust in the first place - in themselves and in their own abilities. But it is also fundamentally important for the development of a healthy self-esteem and the ability to really love. When you are in your basic trust, nothing and no one can shake you.


As Albert Einstein already said, everything is energy and vibration. We are constantly surrounded by all types of energies. Some are positive, beneficial, support us and give us strength - and some are not. They may rob us of energy and have a debilitating effect on us. An energetic protection shields us from outside energies that do not serve us - stress, negative statements or emotions that are aimed toward us and much more. With the protection techniques as taught by Roberto Antela Martinez, you will be able to not only protect yourself and your loved ones from these energies, but also your home or office, and more.

available Dates

july 2021

2 - 4 pm EST

US$ 50


August 2021

2 - 4 pm EST

US$ 50


reconnect with universal trust and create energetic protection

Based on Self Healing Technique by Roberto Antela Martinez